You can help us to provide salmon education!

The Valley Giving Guide is an opportunity for you to donate to over 160 nonprofit organizations working in our community, including the Tri-State Steelheaders!

We are hoping you will help us to continue the Salmon in School program for 1,700 students at 27 sites in 2024!

Hosted by the Blue Mountain Community Foundation, all donations received through the Valley Giving Guide will receive an additional percentage from a bonus pool.

Nearly 1,800 donors have already given over $2.5 million to local charities. You can give through midnight on December 31st!


Accomplishments in 2023

A couple of highlights from our year are:

Continued progress in providing fish passage in Mill Creek
Two projects improved passage for over 2,000 feet of the flood control channel!

Continued growth of the Salmon in School program
Over 2,700 salmon released by students!

See our report for details and additional accomplishments!











Annual Meeting December 6th

You’re invited to join us on Wednesday, December 6th for our Annual Meeting!

This free event begins at 7pm with a look back at our 2023 accomplishments.

Then, in our featured presentation, Jesse Schultz from Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will help us understand the threat that aquatic invasive species pose to our native species and their habitats, and to our infrastructure.

This is a hybrid format meeting, so you can join us at the Water and Environmental Center, or via Zoom (link in the flyer below).


Work Completed on Two Mill Creek Passage Projects!

We recently wrapped up work on two projects that improved fish passage in the concrete flood control channel.

The Spokane to Park project treated 1,344 feet of the channel,  connecting projects that were completed in 2013 and 2019.





The Roosevelt St project completed the last 900 feet between last year’s work and the upstream end of the concrete channel.

Only two sections remain to be treated: 6th Ave to 3rd Ave, and 3rd Ave to Colville St (the underground section).

Salmon Enhancement Group